october ticket

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accounts on the “Addie MS Music Odyssey” concert (or how to piss off famous people)

So on Saturday and Sunday I got home at 2 in the morning for the sake of 4 minutes of fame in this concert. And before the real deal, i was at the wrong stage exit and had to run all the way to the other end. Life has a sense of humor.

In addition to that there were several famous people; Nicholas Saputra, BCL, vidi, Afgan, Utha whats his name, Addie Ms + wife and kids, et cetera. So obviously all the mole people in Twilite Youth Orchestra, Twilite orchestra and chorus, such as myself were always trying to take pictures and get signatures, to a point when people started losing their manners. It’s comparable to a durian end-of-season sale at Carefour in Pluit, the celebrities being the durian in this metaphor.

By the way it took a lot of sweat, blood and tears to get those pictures.

Desperation level A (8 PM-9 PM)

Nicholas Saputra presented the show, the plan is to politely ask for a picture after he is done. We waited at the stage exit. But then we realized that after presenting he probably walked down to sit and watch the rest of the concert. The security guy told us to leave the stage exit (for reasons I will never willingly admit).

Afgan, Vidi and Kevin Aprillio are inside their dressing rooms.

Desperation level B (9 PM-10 PM)

After being so UNREASONABLY expelled from the stage exit we went to wait in front of Nicholas’ dressing room and wait for him to come back. HE DID. We swooped in and took a picture of us and a very sour faced Nicholas Saputra. We pissed him off.

Unfortunately, this success drove us to become more manic. We waited in front of Afgan and Vidi’s dressing room. Afgan came, we didn’t ask for permission and took a picture, which was blurry. We tried to call and ask for another picture, he pretended not to hear (jerk :o)

Vidi came we asked for a picture and he actually smiled. he was as patient as an angel, and was actually NOT PISSED at us 😀

Kevin Aprillio came and went, but my ‘photographer’ who was an UPH student felt it too embarassing to ask for a picture from her junior, since said celebrity was a music student at her faculty.

Desperation Level C (10 PM++)

We took a picture of the two of us on the wall, with a considerably tall yet unattractive male in a suit between us. We went home and photoshopped some hunky celebrity’s face on the guy.

Being annoying certainly pays 😀