october ticket

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The Sea, the Sea

I remember the sky. But now, the sky is grey, the clouds are scars that have dug too deep, but it does not have to go away for the wound to heal. Under it is the sea stretched and crucified. In between the horizon, the white gulls fly like white flags waving from the crystalline sky. Once, we were young, little children bounding by the curly waves of the sea as clouds rolled by the horizon. Our toasted skin bashed against the contradictory coolness of the water and we, like idolaters pranced in the joyous sprinkles in an attempt to smother the imaginary flames on our sunburns. Then we would run, shirtless and godless across the beach. Let’s go back to where we can be shirtless and godless again. The sky might not be as clear, or the sea as blue as it was. The sun would not be as warm. But even all that would already be enough to make us free. I’ll hold your hand tight. Here, in the end of all things, you are mine. There was just the two of us and the rest of the world was a secret.

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